We are proud to offer our services to our clients and partners since 1981 !

Why choosing Elevabec?

Élévabec Inc., holds a contractor’s license carrier system, is proud to offer a variety of high-end products compliant manufacturing and installation regulations.

Quebecer manufacturing company since 1981, Élévabec inc., Is concerned about customer satisfaction by offering personalized service. Whether for single-family homes or private, commercial or institutional settings, Élévabec inc., will know how to support with its professionalism and effectiveness users, owners, occupational therapists, as well as general contractors and architects involved right from the start of their project.
The proud team Élévabec inc., Is composed of elevator mechanics, engineers, designers, designer, machinist and electrical engineers as well as administrative staff and representatives of experience which allows us to offer with ease its customers with personalized service, home visits without fees, turnkey solutions as well as service 24 hours / 7 days, all without intermediate!
Residential: Private homes and single family of all sizes Institutional & Business: Foster Care, Homes for the elderly and disabled, IDRC, nursing homes, Condos, Schools, Manor and public buildings such as CPE, sports center, library, etc…

Paying agencies such as :

  • SHQ (PAD): Société d’Habitation du Québec
  • Adaptation Programme Home
  • SAAQ: Automobile Insurance Company of Quebec
  • CSST: Committee on Health and Safety at Work
  • IVAC: Compensation to Victims of Criminal Act
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24 hour / 7 days

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